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- 100 Aker Woods by Riley Blake
- 1Sheep 2 Sheep
- 2015 Row X Row
- 2018 Winter by Hoffman
- 2019 Favorites
- 2020 Trinkets by Andover
- 2021 Trinkets by Andover
- 2025 All IN Shop Hop Magazine
- 2025 All Indiana Shop Hop Fabric
- 30's Playtime by Moda
- 30's Prints
- 30's Toy Chest
- 4-H & FFA
- A Christmas Carol by Moda
- A Christmas Carol by Moda
- A Christmas To Remember by 3 Wishes
- A Country Weekend by Wilmington
- Abundant Blessings
- Advice from A Sunflower by Timeless Treasures
- After Midnight
- All About Christmas
- All American Road Trip
- All Hallows Eve by Moda
- All Our Stars
- All Star by Moda
- Alphabet Soup
- Amazing Grace
- American Dream by Blank
- American Gatherings
- American Gatherings II
- American Honor by Blank
- American Jane Story Time by Moda
- American Legacy
- American Muscle
- American Pride by Michael Miller
- American Pride by Studio E
- American Spirit - 3 Wishes
- American Spirit by Benartex
- American Spirit by QT
- American Valor
- American Vintage
- Andover - Century Solids
- Andover Indigo Cheddar
- Andover Reminiscence
- Andover Strawberries and Cream
- Animal Print
- Anthology Batiks
- Antoinette by Moda
- Aqua
- Are We There Yet? by Henry Glass
- Armed Services
- Art Journal by Riley Blake
- Artic Antics
- At The Shore by 3 Wishes
- At The Zoo
- Atelier de France
- Au Naturel by Wilmington
- Auburn Fox by Studio E
- Audrey by Clothworks
- Audrey by QT
- Aurora by Moda
- Autumn Bouquet
- Autumn by Riley Blake
- Autumn Day
- Autumn Elegance by Henry Glass
- Autumn Flourish
- Autumn Reflections by Moda
- Autumn Splendor by Henry Glass
- Autumn Splendor by Northcott
- Azul
- Baby In Bloom by 3 Wishes
- Back Porch
- Back to Basics
- Back To School by Moda
- Back to the Farm by 3 Wishes
- Badda Bing
- Bali Sun Prints
- Ballet
- Barns & Covered Bridges
- Barnyard Blues by Susybee
- Baseball
- Bases Loaded by QT
- Basics
- Basin Feedsacks
- Basketball
- Batik
- Be A Sunbeam
- Bear Hugs Flannel by Northcott
- Beautiful Day
- Bee Creative
- Bee Croft by Northcott
- Bee Dots
- Bee Grateful
- Bee Happy by Andover
- Bee Joyful
- Bee You! by Henry Glass
- Belle Isle
- Beneath the Stars by Studio E
- Bentley's Snowflakes by Marcus
- Berry Best
- Berry Sweet
- Best Friends Forever by Moda
- Better Stitch by Blank
- Big Bang
- Birds of a Feather by Marcus
- Birthday by Ruby Star Society
- Bittersweet Lane
- Black & White
- Black Brown
- Black Cat Capers
- Black Gray
- Blackbirds Nest by Moda
- Blacks
- Blacks
- Blenders
- Bleu de France
- Bloom Bright by Maywood
- Blue
- Blue Breeze
- Blues
- Blues
- Bohemian Blue
- Bonheur De Jour
- Bonnie & Camille Basics
- BOO by Timeless Treasures
- Bookshop
- Booville by Blank
- Born To Ride
- Born To Roar by Henry Glass
- Bountiful Autumn
- Bouquet of Roses by Kaufman
- Breast Cancer
- Brew
- Brown
- Brown
- Browns
- Brushed West Creek
- Bug Bliss by Studio E
- Bug, Bug, Bug by Henry Glass
- Buggy Barn by Henry Glass
- Bundle of Joy by RIley Blake
- Bunny Tails by Henry Glass
- Burr Bear
- Busy Bunny
- Butter Churn Basics
- Buttercup & Slate
- Buttercups & Blooms
- Buttermints Itsy Bits by Andover
- Cabin Welcome
- Cafe Au Lait Coffee by Northcott
- Calico
- Camping
- Can't Stop Falling by Hoffman
- Cancer Awareness
- Candelabra
- Cardinal Noel
- Cardinal Reflections by Holly Taylor
- Cardinal Visit
- Cardinal Woods
- Caterpillar
- Catnip
- Cavalier Crows by Henry Glass
- Celcius by Michael Miller
- Celebrate Seuss by Kaufman
- Celebrating 50 Years of Moda
- Celestial Magic
- Chalk and Charcoal by Kaufman
- Checking It Twice by QT
- Chickadee Landing
- Children's Soft Books
- Chillin & Grillin by Benartex
- Chocolate & Cherry by Clothworks
- Christmas
- Christmas
- Christmas 2019 by Michael Miller
- Christmas Batiks by Hoffman
- Christmas is Near by Blank
- Christmas Splendor by Hoffman
- Cinnaberry
- Civil War
- Classics
- Clover Blossom Farm
- Clover Meadow
- Coastal Christmas
- Coastal Sanctuary by Wilmington
- Coffee Always
- Coffee First
- Collection for a Cause Etchings by Howard Marcus & 3 Sisters
- Collective Classics
- Color Collections by Andover
- Color In Bloom by Hoffman
- Confetti
- Construction Zone by Henry Glass
- Cottage Bleu
- Country Farm by QT
- Country Life
- Country Life by Riley Blake
- Country Living Farmstead Patch by 3 Wishes
- Country Road by Moda
- Country Road Market
- Country Rose
- Courtyard
- Cowboy Culture by Blank
- Cowboy up by QT
- Cowboy/Western/Horses
- Cozy Cottage by Moda
- Cozy Cotton Flannels
- Crackle by Northcott
- Cranberries & Cream
- Cuddle Cubs by Studio E
- Cuddle Me
- Cultivate Kindness
- Cut Goods
- D is for Dinosaur by dear Stella
- Daffodils and Dragonflies
- Daisy Lane by Moda
- Dandi Duo by Moda
- Darling Duckies by QT
- Daybreak
- Dear Santa by Moda
- Deb Strain
- Deco Glo II by Andover
- Decorative Carvings by Banyan Batiks
- Decorum
- Deer Meadow
- Deer Wilds by Robert Kaufman
- Deerhurst
- Deja Brew
- Denim Daisy
- Dinosaurs
- Do Ewe Knit
- Dogs & Cats
- Dot Batiks by Hoffman
- Dots & Stripes by QT
- Dots and Holes by Studio E
- Down on the Bunny Farm by Henry Glass
- Down on the Farm by QT
- Down on the Farm Timeless Treasures
- Dr. Seuss by Kaufman
- Dream Catchers
- Drivers Wanted
- Dry Brush by Wilmington
- Dwell by Camille
- Early Bird
- Earth Song by Clothworks
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter Basics
- Ebony Onyx
- Effie's Woods by Moda
- Elements
- Elinores Endeavor by Moda
- Esthers Heirloom
- Evergreen Farm
- Every Day Heroes (fire, police, drs., etc.)
- Express Tracks by Blank
- Fairy Frost by Michael Miller
- FAITH by Clothworks
- Fall
- Fall
- Fall Delight by Blank
- Fall Impressions by Moda
- Fall Medley by Moda
- Fall Splendor
- Farm Fresh by Michael Miller
- Farm Girl Vintage
- Farm Life
- Farm-tastic by Studio E
- Farm/Tractors/Animals
- Farmer's Market by Michael Miller
- Farmhouse
- Farmhouse Flannels III by Moda
- Farmhouse Patriotic by Kaufman
- Farmstead by Moda
- Fat Quarter Sale
- fat quarters
- Father Christmas
- Favorites II
- Fawn'd of You by P&B
- Feline Friends by Michael Miller
- Feline Frolic
- Fern Hill
- Festive Felines
- Fiddle Dee Dee
- Fields of Gold
- Fiesta by Moda
- Fiesta Horses
- Fire, Police & Medical
- First Blush by Marcus
- First Frost by Northcott
- First Snow
- Fisher Price
- Flamingos
- Flannels
- Flannels
- Fleurette
- Flirt by Moda
- Floral Garden Gatherings
- Floral Gathering Shirtings
- Floral Gatherings
- Floral Serenade
- Florals/Bees/Birds/Butterflies
- Flower Girl by Moda
- Flower Sacks
- Fluttering Leaves by Moda
- Fly Home by Hoffman
- Flying High by QT
- Food & Drinks
- Football
- Forest Critters by Blank
- Forest Friends by 3 Wishes
- Forever Green
- Freedom Road by Moda
- French Countryside Christmas by 3 Wishes
- French General Classics
- French Quarter by Maywood
- Frightful by Tim Holtz
- Frolic
- From The Heart
- Frosted by Moda
- Frosty Folks by Henry Glass
- Fun on the Farm by Andover
- Game On by Camelot
- Gaming
- Garden Charm
- Garden Gathering Shirtings
- Garden Gatherings
- Garden Girl
- Garden Variety
- Garnet and Gingham
- Ghost Party by 3 Wishes
- Ghouls & Goodies by Moda
- Globetrotter by QT
- Glow In the Dark Fabric
- Glow-O-Saurus by Benartex
- Gnome Antics
- Gnome for the Holidays by Timeless Treasures
- Gnome ster Mash
- Gnomes Home Tree Farm by P&B
- Gnomes Night Out
- Gnomie Love
- Golf
- Gone Camping by Riley Blake
- Good Day
- Good Vibes by 3 Wishes
- Goodnight Irene
- Gooseberry Lane by Moda
- Grand Traverse Bay
- Grape Crush by WIlmington
- Green
- Green
- Greens
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Grill Master by Blank
- Grunge
- Grunge *
- Grunge Metallic Stars
- Guess How Much I Love You by Clothworks
- Gypsy Soul by Moda
- Halloween
- Halloween
- Halloween Expressions - Batiks by Riley Blake
- Halloween Expressions by Riley Blake - Batiks
- Halloween Holiday Essentials by Moda
- Hanging with my Gnomies by 3 Wishes
- Happiness Blooms
- Happy Camper by Henry Glass
- Happy Fall by 3 Wishes
- Happy Gatherings
- Happy Harvest by 3 Wishes
- Harmony
- Harvest Classic by Blank
- Harvest Elegance
- Harvest Hill by Moda
- Harvest Wishes
- Haunted Night
- He Leads Me by Blank
- Hearthside Holiday by Moda
- Hearthstone by Marcus
- Hearts Anthem by WIlmington
- Hello Spring
- Hello Winter by RIley Blake
- Helping Hands
- Helping Hands Yarn Dyes
- Henrietta Hen by Kanvas
- Here Comes Santa
- Here Comes Santa by 3 Wishes
- Hexies by Banyan Batiks
- Hey Bootiful by Riley Blake
- Hidden Valley
- Hippity Hop by QT
- Hits The Spot
- Hocus Pocus
- Hocus Pocus by Northcott
- Hold Your Horses by 3 Wishes
- Holiday Charms by Kaufman
- Holiday Essentials by Stacy lest Hsu for Moda
- Holiday Essentials by Stacy lest Hsu for Moda
- Holiday Flourish by Kaufman
- Holiday Heartland by Henry Glass
- Holiday Lodge by Deb Strain for Moda
- Holiday Medley
- Holiday Spirts by 3 Wishes
- Holiday Wishes by Hoffman
- Holidays at Home by Moda
- Holidays Past by Tim Holtz
- Holidays Past by Tim Holtz
- Holly Berry Park by Studio E
- Holly Jolly by Moda
- Holly Taylor
- Home For Christmas
- Home for the Holidays by 3 Wishes
- Home is Where the Honey is
- Home of the Free by Benartex
- Home On The Range
- Home To Roost
- Homegrown Holiday by Deb Strain for Moda
- Homemade by Riley Blake
- Homestead
- Homestead Life
- Hometown America by 3 Wishes
- Hometown by P&B
- Hometown Holiday
- Honey & Lavender by Moda
- Honey Bee Gnomes
- Honey Bees and Flowers Please by Riley Blake
- Honey Bunny By Michael Miller
- Hope Blooms
- Horton Hears A Who! by Kaufman
- How Does Your Garden Grow by Michael Miller
- How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Kaufman
- Hummingbirds
- Hush Hush 3 by Riley Blake
- I Do
- I'll Be Gnome for Christmas by 3 Wishes
- I'm All Ears by Blank
- IH Tractors
- In The Pink
- Indigo Garden
- Indigo Gatherings
- Instruments of your Peace
- Interlude
- Into The Web by Hoffman
- Into The Woods by Hoffman
- Into the Woods by Wilmington
- Iris & Ivy
- Irish Wishes
- Isabella
- It Takes a Village by Riley Blake
- It's A Boy by Riley Blake
- It's Christmas Time by Blank
- It's Easter by QT
- Jan Patek
- Jardin by Timeless Treasures
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Jingle Jangle
- John Deere
- John Wayne by Riley Blake
- Journey
- Joy of the Season by Benartex
- Joyful Gatherings
- Joyful, Joyful
- Juliette by Wilmington
- Jungle Paradise
- Junk Journal
- Kaffe
- Kansas Troubles
- Kasada by Moda
- Kaufman Christmas
- Keep On Truckin'
- Kids
- Kids - Sale
- Kimberbell Basics by Maywood
- Kits
- Kitty Cat
- Kitty Christmas by Moda
- Kona Solids
- La Rose Rouge
- La Vie En Rouge
- Lake Life
- Lakeside Gatherings
- Lakeside Story
- Lal Lamb
- Land That I Love by Clothworks
- Lario
- Larkspur
- Laurel Burch
- Laurel Burch Basics
- Lavender Market
- Lella Boutique
- Let It Snow
- Let It Snow by Henry Glass
- Let It Snow by Riley Blake
- Let's Go Glamping
- Letterpress
- Lewe Ewe
- Lexington Blues
- Liberty Gatherings
- Liberty Ride
- Lil' Bit Country
- Lille by Henry Glass
- Lily & Will
- Lily's Locket by Marcus
- Linen Basics by Northcott
- Lion/Lamb
- Little Black Dress
- Little Blossoms by Robert Kaufman
- Little Darlings by Freckle & Lollie
- LIttle Donkey's Christmas by Northcott
- Little Ducklings by Moda
- Little Forest by dear Stella
- Little Gatherings II
- Little Gems by Andover
- Little Ruby
- Little Safari by Kaufman
- Little Snippets
- Little Sunshine
- Locomotion
- Lori Holt
- Love Letters by Henry Glass
- Love Lily
- Love Never Fails
- Love Note
- Love O' The Irish
- Lovitude by 3 Wishes
- Lucky Clovers
- Mackinac Island
- Mad For Plaid
- Magic Dots by Moda
- Magic Unicorn Forest by Michael Miller
- Maison by RJR
- Maison Des Roses by RJR
- Make by Riley Blake
- Making Spirits Bright by Blank
- Mammoth Flannel
- Maple HIll
- Marbles by Moda
- Marcus Basics by Marcus Fabrics
- Marcus Classics - Plaids
- Mash The Throttle by 3 Wishes
- Maven
- Medley In Red
- Melrose by Moda
- Memoirs
- Meow
- Merry & Bright by Moda
- Merry Little Christmas
- Merry Little Christmas by Moda
- Metallic Dots by Hoffman
- Metallic Fusions
- Mickey Mouse by Camelot
- Midnight by Andover
- Midnight Clear
- Midnight Glow by Clothworks
- Midnight Haunt by Andover
- Midnight Magic by Moda
- Midnight Spell by Henry Glass
- Midwinter Song
- Milestones
- Mille Couleurs
- Mini Bracelets by Andover
- Mini Gatherings
- Minick & Simpson
- Misc
- Miss Kate
- Miss Scarlet
- Mixology by 3 Wishes
- Moda Solids
- Modern Background
- Monkey Biz - Sock Monkey
- Monster Trucks
- Moonstone by Andover
- Morning Call
- Music
- My America
- My Childhood Christmas by Henry Glass
- My Happy Place
- My Tools My Rules
- Nativity
- Natural
- Nature Calls
- Natures Glory
- Navy
- Needle Thread Gatherings
- Newport
- Nice Ice Baby
- Night & Day by WIlmington
- Nights of Olde Salem
- Noah's Ark by Moda
- Northcott SH 2023 Stars Stripes
- Northern Lights by Riley Blake
- Northern Peaks by Northcott
- Novelty
- Novelty
- Nuts & Bolts
- O Holy Night by 3 Wishes
- Off the Grid by Hoffman
- Oh My Safari by 3 Wishes
- Old Fashioned Christmas
- Old Fashioned Christmas by Riley Blake
- Old Favorites
- Old Time Christmas
- Olde Salem by Henry Glass (Glow In The Dark)
- Olive's Flower Garden
- Ombre Fairy Dust by Moda
- On Dasher by Moda
- On Golden Pond
- On Tap
- On The Bright Side by Moda
- On The Farm by Moda
- On The Go by Moda
- On Time
- Once Upon A Time
- One Fine Day
- One Fish, Two Fish by Kaufman
- One Nation by Henry Glass
- Orange Basics
- Oranges
- Ovarian Cancer
- Over The Rainbow
- Painting Paris
- Paisley Place
- Panda Party
- Patriot by Northcott
- Patriotic
- Patriotic Parade
- Patriotic Summer by 3 Wishes
- Paul's Pond
- Paula's Companion II by Marcus Fabrics
- Paw-sitively Awesome by Studio E
- Peace on Earth by 3 Wishes
- Peachy Keen by Corey Yoder
- Pee-Wee Parade
- Peppery by Marcus
- Persimmon
- Petite Prints Deux
- Pick of the Patch by 3 Wishes
- Pickleball Champ by P&B
- Piecemaker's Sampler by Marcus Bros.
- Pink
- Pink
- Pinks
- Pixie Dust by Studio E
- Poetry
- Poinsettia Plaza by Moda
- Poinsettia Plaza by Moda
- Pointe Pleasant by Marus
- Polka Dots
- Posh Hedgehogs
- Postcard Holiday
- Prairie
- Prairie Cactus
- Prairie Days
- Prairie Dreams
- Press On by Riley Blake
- Primitive Gatherings
- Primitive Muslin
- Primo Plaids by Marcus
- Prismachrome by Studio E
- Promenade
- Psalms
- Pumpkin Patch by Riley Blake
- Pumpkin Please by 3 Wishes
- Pumpkins & Blossoms
- Purple
- Purple
- Purple Passion by Marcus
- Purples
- Quackers
- Quiet Grace by Henry Glass
- Quill
- Quilt Backing 108
- Quilty Little Christmas by Maywood
- Quotation
- Raindrops & Sunshine
- Rainy Day
- Reach for the Stars
- Realtree
- Red
- Red
- Red & White Gatherings
- Red Black
- Red Carpet
- Red, White & Bloom
- Red, White & Bloom by Maywood
- RED-iculously In Love by Moda
- Reds
- Redwork
- Reindeer Games by Moda
- Rejoice by QT
- Religous
- Remnants
- Rendezvous
- Return to Cub Lake
- Ric Rac Paddywack by Henry Glass
- Ride Free
- Right Rain
- Riley Blake Designer FLANNELS
- River Journey/Country Road
- River Rhythms by Studio E
- Riviera Rose by Andover
- Roaming Holiday by Studio E
- Rooster Farmhouse by P & B
- Roots of Love
- Roselyn
- Rosemary Cottage by Camille
- Roses & Arrows by Blank
- Roses are Red by FIGO
- Rouenneries Deux
- Route 66
- Rue 1800
- Rustic Charm Flannels by Henry Glass
- Rustic Gatherings by Moda
- Sable & Scarlet by Windham
- Safari Lullaby by WIlmington
- Safari Stargazing by RIley Blake
- Sakura Park
- Sale
- Salt & Sea by Henry Glass
- Sanctuary
- Sandalwood
- Santa's Tree Farm
- Save The Bees
- Savor the Gnoment
- Scaredy Cats by Windham
- Scarlet Farm by Studio E
- School
- School Is Cool
- School Rules
- Scrap Basket Favorites by Kim Diehl for Henry Glass
- Scraps of Kindness by Henry Glass
- Sea Glass by Blank
- Seaside
- Season of Heart
- Seasonal Basics by Riley Blake
- Seasonal Little Gatherings
- Secret Life of Squirrels
- Seeds of Gratitude
- September Morn
- Serendipity by Benartex
- Serenity Prayer
- Sesame Street
- Set Sail America
- Sew Happy by Blank
- Sew Journal by Riley Blake
- Sew Kind
- Sew Kind
- Sew What
- Sewing
- Sewing Bags
- Sewing Studio by Kaufman
- SH Gradations Mixers
- SH Maplewood
- SH Mountain Wilderness
- Shamrock II by Mirah
- Shimmer Frost
- Shine by Moda
- Shine On
- Shop Hop by 3 Wishes
- Silent Night
- Silly Safari by Studio E
- Simply Blessed by Benartex
- Sister Bay
- Sketchbook Garden
- Sleepy Sloth by P&B
- Small and Mighty by 3 Wishes
- Smitten
- Snippets
- Snow Bird Flannel by Henry Glass
- Snow Crew by Henry Glass
- Snow Day
- Snow Day by Lewis & Irene
- Snow Falling
- Snow Merry
- Snow Place Like Home
- Snow Place Like Home
- Snow Valley
- Snow What Fun
- Snowberry
- Snowdays by Maywood
- Snowed In
- Snowman Gathering IV by Moda
- Snowman Gatherings II
- Snowman's Dream by Studio E
- Snowy Fable by Robert Kaufman
- Snuggle Bunny by Northcott
- Soccer
- Soft & Sweet
- Solid Batiks by Batik Textiles
- Solid Flannels
- Solids
- Songbird
- Songbird Holiday by Marcus
- Songbook by Moda
- Songbook; A New Page by Moda
- Sorbet Brights
- Space
- Sparkle Like A Unicorn by Blank
- Spirit of America by Henry Glass
- Splash
- Splendor
- Spooky Good Time by Andover
- Spooky Night by 3 Wishes
- Spooky Night by Studio E
- Spooky Vibes
- Sports
- Spots Stripes Solids
- Spring Bunny Fun
- Spring Chicken
- Spring Has Sprung
- Spring Hill Farms by Benartex
- Springbrook
- St. Patrick's Day
- Starberry by Corey Yoder for Moda
- Starlight Gatherings
- Starry Adventures Flannel by 3 Wishes
- Stem Squad by Michael Miller
- Stitch In Time by Blank
- Stitch in Time by Elizabeth Studios
- Stitching Housewife Stripes by Henry Glass
- Stof Star Sprinkle by Blank
- Stomp, Stomp, Roar
- Stonehenge
- Stonehenge
- Stonehenge Basics by Northcott
- Stonehenge Gradations II
- Stonehenge Gradations Ombre by Northcott
- Stonehenge Kids Prehistoric Dinosaur
- Stonehenge Prehistoric World by Northcott
- Stonehenge Stars & Stripes
- Stonehenge Stars & Stripes
- Stonehenge White Christmas
- Story Time by P&B
- Strawberries
- Strawberry Jam
- Strawberry Lemonade by Moda
- Strength In Lavender
- Strength in Pink
- Sugarberry by Moda
- Sugarcreek
- Summer Breeze
- Summer Breeze 2023
- Summerlicious
- Sun 'N Soil by Blank
- Sunday Stroll
- Sunflower Sweet by Wilmington
- Sunflowers by Lewis & Irene
- Sunshine & Blue Skies by Moda
- Sunwashed
- Superheroes (Comic)
- Susie Sunshine by 3 Wishes
- Sussex
- Sweet and Plenty by Me and My Sister
- Sweet Bees
- Sweet Dreams
- Sweet Dreams Flannel by Windham
- Sweet Holly
- Sweet Serenade
- Sweet Shop by Andover
- Sweet Spring by P&B
- Sweet Violet
- Take Heart by RIley Blake
- Tan
- Teams
- Terrain
- Thanksgiving
- Thatched
- The Cat In The Hat
- The Good Life
- The Great Outdoors by Moda
- The Lord is My Shepard
- The Sea & Me
- The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Riley Blake
- The Tradition Continues
- The Way Home
- Thistle Farm
- Through The Years
- Tiger Tails
- Tiny Tots Flannel by 3 Wishes
- Toad Terrific!
- Toile & Trouble by Clothworks
- Too Cute To Spook by Moda
- Touch of Spring by 3 Wishes
- Traditional Trimmings by Kaufman
- Transportation
- Tree Line by Hoffman
- Turkey Time
- Turkey Time by Benartex
- Two by Two by Benartex
- Uncorked
- Under $4
- Under Construction
- Under The Mistletoe
- Under The See by Susy Bee
- Unicorn Believe by Andover
- Unicorn Dreams by Henry Glass
- Urban Farmhouse
- Urban Zoologie by Kaufman
- Valentine
- Valentine's Day
- Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Victory Garden by Timeless Treasures
- Ville Fleurie
- Vin Du Jour
- Vintage Adventure
- Vintage Christmas
- Vintage Farm Life by Kaufman
- Vintage Holiday
- Vintage Linens by 3 Sisters Moda
- Vintage Motorcycles
- Vintage Petals & Paisleys by Kaufman
- Vive La France
- Vivienne by Marcus
- Walk In The Woods
- Warm & Cozy by Northcott
- Warm Winter Wishes
- Warm Winter Wishes
- We Love Christmas - Blank
- Welcome To The Jungle by 3 Wishes
- What A Hoot by QT
- When Eagles Soar
- Whispering Pines
- White as Snow by Riley Blake
- White Cottage Farm by 3 Wishes
- White Linen Christmas by Northcott
- Wild Iris
- Wild Ones by Clothworks
- Wild Rose by Maywood
- Wildlife
- Wildlife (Deer, Fish, Wolf, etc.)
- Wildwood by Clothworks
- Wilmington On The Dot
- Wine
- Winsome Critters
- Winter Barn Quilts
- Winter Botanicals by Marcus
- Winter Flurries
- Winter Frost
- Winter Greetings
- Winter Jays Flannel by Northcott
- Winter Manor
- Winter Tales by Hoffman
- Winter White
- Winter White by Studio E
- Winter White Solstice by Kaufman
- Winter Wishes
- Winter's Eve by Hoffman
- Winter's Grandeur
- Winterlude
- Wisdom
- Wm. Morris 2017
- Woodland Buddies
- Woodland Frost
- Woodland Retreat Flannel by Henry Glass
- Woodland Woolies by Northcott
- Wool & Needles
- Woolies by Maywood
- Yellow Orange
- Yellow/Golds/Orange
- Yellows
- You Are My Sunshine
- Yuletide Gatherings
- Zoe Giraffe
- Zooville by Freckle & Lollie