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Studio E Beneath the Stars. All over camping text/words with campering icons on a green background



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Tonal Blue with all over camping icons (tent, camper, fire, lanterns, etc.)



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Tonal green with all over camping icons (tent, camper, fire, lanterns, etc.)



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Midnight sky with white and aqua dots.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Evergreen trees on a forest green background.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Tossed multi colored lanterns on an aqua background.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Tossed campfires on a red background.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Tossed campers, tents, stumps, campfires, lanterns, shovels and trees on an aqua colored background.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Border stripe with Vintage campers, chairs next to a campfire and tents with a canoe.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. All over Vintage campers, chairs next to a campfire and tents with a canoe.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. 6 panels each measuring 10 1/2"; 3 different scenes. A vintage camper in the woods, 2 chairs next to a campfire and a tent with a canoe.



Studio E Beneath the Stars. Panel features a vintage camper in the woods under the moonlight.



Contact Us:

Phone: (812) 254-6063
Address: 401 E Main Street
                Washington, Indiana 47501
Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5 Eastern
Internet Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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